



5 条评论:

Unknown 说...

有时我也一举两得(kill two birds with one stone)。

"杂记"英文说"mixed feelings"吗?

Maybe the earth quake in Taiwan has
caused some websites to be slow, I think some underwater cables were damaged.

liulianxiaoyu 说...


Does your wife like Chinese movies? My bf like English movies. Sometimes, he also like practising his poor English.

I find the English explanation on the word "杂记" in my electronic dictionary. It says that the meaning of "杂记" is "miscellanies (as a type of literature)" or "jottings; notes". I wrote two different things in this article and I did not know what kind of name I could give it. Therefore, I just call it "杂记". I want to find the English explanation of "miscellanies(miscellany)" on www.dictionary.com, but it is not available for me because of the earthquake.

Yes, now I see that it is because of the earthquake in Taiwan that I can not open many foreign websites links.

Unknown 说...

Yes my wife likes some Chinese movies :)
I either have the subtitles in English or the sound in English and subtitles in Chinese (I can't understand it if it is all Chinese ;)).

I think you are right I looked in a dictionary and "miscellaneous" would be a good transaltion [made up of various parts]. Also "random notes".

I just guessed at "mixed feelings" becasue of the characters and content but I can see that was wrong now.

liulianxiaoyu 说...


I found the Chinese explanation on "mixed feelings"----"喜忧参半(xi3 you1 can1 ban4, half happiness and half unhappiness or grief)", it is an idiom. does "mixed feelings" mean "half happiness and half unhappiness"?

Here is two examples for "喜忧参半" as your reference:

生活常常是喜忧参半(there is always half happiness and half unhappiness in life)

喜忧参半的童年(the childhood which is filled with happiness and unhappiness)

liulianxiaoyu 说...

sometimes, Chinese people also say "喜忧各半(xi3 you1 ge4 ban4)".It is same with "喜忧参半"