
How to put MP3 files on my posts.

I do not know.
It seems that this is not a good blog.
Maybe, it is also my fault.
I am so disappointed.

4 条评论:

Unknown 说...

Hi Keyu,

I think all blogging software has some problems but you can embed an mp3 easily.

This page tells you one way to do this http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2006/07/embed-mp3-files-into-your-website.html

I have a test blog and I used this code to embed a chinesepod mp3 on a test blogger page.

You just need to make sure that you are in "edit html" mode when you put the code in.

I hope this helps, I couldn't get your mp3 file but maybe the Earth quake in Taiwan has disrupted some web services?

Unknown 说...

sorry the link to my test page should have been:


liulianxiaoyu 说...


Yes, I tried many times, but it does not work.

I just went to your test blog and I can not listen to your mp3. I do not know whether it is because of the earthquake in Taiwan or my computer system.

liulianxiaoyu 说...

Ok, now it works.

Thank you, Chris.