
About funerals

I was woken up with a start by some noises last midnight. I heard some deafening clamors of gong and drum along with the sounds of firecrackers every now and then. I was not sure what it was. After several seconds, I saw what was happening and it was not for the first time. Looking at my watch, it was only over 4 a.m.

Someone who lived in the next unit of the same building died about a week ago. Today is her(or his) funereal day. Here is the custom of Wenzhou on funerals: when someone dies, his or her family and relatives will hold a funeral in his (her) house for him(her) on the third, fifth or seventh day. Moreover, they must do it as early as possible. Although many people who live nearby are disturbed, they often tolerate it because most Chinese people believe that all kinds of things related to a dead person are the most important.

However, I was wondering why they always hold funerals as early as possible. In my hometown, in general, people hold funerals in the daytime (commonly a whole day). I asked my bf after he was also woken up by the noises. He told me: people from Wenzhou are very industrious and smart. They do not like wasting time. At first, people really held funerals in the daytime. However, most people had to work in the day time, then in order to save time, they gradually hold them earlier and earlier, and finally it became a kind of custom.
